
Web 3.0 in education: Revolutionising learning for the digital age

Written by Oppida Team | 25/06/2024

Education is on the cusp of a digital revolution with the advent of Web 3.0, a new era of the internet that promises to transform how we teach and learn. Imagine a world where students have complete control over their educational data, collaborating seamlessly with peers around the globe without worrying about privacy breaches or centralised authorities dictating their interactions. Web 3.0, with its decentralised, transparent, and user-centric technologies, offers a future where education is more personalised, secure, and engaging. This article explores the profound impact of Web 3.0 in education, delving into the potential of blockchain, decentralised applications (dApps), and smart contracts to reshape the educational landscape.

What exactly is Web 3.0?

Imagine the internet as a bustling city. In Web 1.0, this city was like a series of standalone shops, where you could only look at the displays through the windows, but you couldn't go inside or interact with the shopkeepers. This era was a one-way street of information, where users could only consume what was presented to them.

Then came Web 2.0, which transformed this city into a vibrant marketplace. Now, not only could you enter the shops, but you could also interact with the shopkeepers, buy products, and even set up your own stall to sell goods. Social media platforms, blogs, and wikis allowed everyone to contribute, share, and engage in a dynamic two-way flow of information.

Now, Web 3.0 is like turning this marketplace into a series of self-sustaining, interconnected neighbourhoods. In this new city, each resident owns their home (data), controls who visits (privacy), and participates in the community’s governance (decentralisation). Instead of a few big landlords (like Google or Facebook) owning the city, every resident has a say in how it is run and maintained.

The promise of Web 3.0 in education

Web 3.0 is set to transform education by making it more learner-centric. Think of it as shifting from a factory model of education, where everyone learns the same thing in the same way, to a tailor-made experience that fits each learner’s needs and pace. Students can control their learning journeys, choose what to learn, and even who gets to see their progress and data.

Moreover, Web 3.0 promotes enhanced collaboration and connectivity. Imagine students from across the globe working together on projects in real-time, sharing resources without data breaches or central authorities controlling their interactions.

Why data breaches and central control are a concern for students

In the Web 2.0 world, data breaches and privacy concerns are common. Students often have their personal information stored on centralised servers controlled by educational institutions or third-party service providers. This centralisation creates several issues:

  1. Data Breaches: When data is stored centrally, it becomes a prime target for hackers. If a hacker breaches the server, they can access the personal information of thousands, if not millions, of students. Such breaches can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and other forms of exploitation. For example, if a university's server is hacked, student records, including addresses, social security numbers, and academic details, could be exposed.
  2. Centralised Control: Central authorities, such as educational institutions or tech giants, control how student data is used and who has access to it. This can lead to misuse of data, such as selling information to third parties for advertising purposes without the student's consent. It also means that students have little to no control over their own data. For instance, a student may not be able to delete their information from a university's database or know who else might have access to it.

How blockchain can revolutionise education

What is blockchain?

At the heart of Web 3.0 is blockchain technology. To understand blockchain, imagine a public ledger at the city hall where every transaction or property deed is recorded. This ledger is available for everyone to see and is constantly updated. However, instead of a single ledger, imagine there are thousands of identical ledgers spread across the city, and every time a transaction happens, all these ledgers are updated simultaneously. This ensures that all entries are accurate and trustworthy because it is nearly impossible to alter information across all ledgers simultaneously without being noticed.

Ledger verification

Imagine each transaction in this city as a new page in a journal. When a transaction occurs, it gets written down in this journal. Now, imagine that there are thousands of identical journals spread across the city, and they all update with the new page simultaneously. These journals are like blockchain ledgers.

When a new transaction (or block) occurs, it is broadcast to a network of computers (nodes) that verify the transaction using complex algorithms. If the transaction is valid, it is added as a new page in the journal. This process of simultaneous verification and updating ensures that the information is accurate and tamper-proof. Altering any entry would require changing every page in every journal across the city simultaneously, which is practically impossible.

Credentialing and verification

Imagine a world where diplomas, certificates, and transcripts are stored on a blockchain. These records are immutable and easily verifiable, eliminating the need for physical documents or third-party verification services. For example, a student who graduates from university can have their degree certificate recorded on a blockchain. Any employer or institution can then verify the authenticity of this certificate instantly by checking the blockchain, reducing the risk of fraud and the administrative burden associated with traditional verification processes.

Student records and data privacy

Blockchain can give students control over their own educational records. Instead of schools and universities managing and storing student data, each student could have a personal digital locker on the blockchain. This locker contains their academic records, achievements, and other relevant information. The student decides who can access this information, ensuring their privacy is protected. For instance, when applying for a job or further education, the student can grant access to specific records, maintaining full control over their personal data.

The impact of decentralised applications (dApps) in education

What are dApps?

Decentralised applications, or dApps, run on a peer-to-peer network rather than a single server controlled by a company. Imagine a neighbourhood where there’s no single leader, but everyone shares responsibilities and resources equally. dApps ensure that no single entity has control over the application, promoting fairness and security.

Collaborative learning platforms

dApps can facilitate collaborative learning environments where students and educators from around the world can connect and share resources without relying on a central authority. For example, a dApp designed for educational purposes could allow students to join study groups, participate in peer assessments, and collaborate on projects in a secure and decentralised manner. This ensures that all participants have equal control and ownership over their contributions.

Decentralised content creation and sharing

Educators can use dApps to create and share educational content directly with students. This decentralised approach ensures that the content remains accessible and tamper-proof. For instance, a teacher can upload a lesson plan or tutorial video to a dApp, making it available to students worldwide. The content is stored on a decentralised network, ensuring that it is not subject to censorship or loss due to server failures.

Smart contracts transforming educational administration

What are smart contracts?

Think of smart contracts as self-executing agreements written in code. For instance, imagine you agree to return a borrowed book by a certain date, and if you don’t, a penalty is automatically applied. Smart contracts follow the same principle, executing predefined actions when specific conditions are met.

Automating administrative processes

Smart contracts can automate various administrative processes in education, making them more efficient and transparent. For example, a smart contract could be used to automate the process of student enrollment. Once a student meets the necessary criteria and submits the required documents, the smart contract automatically enrols them in the course and issues a digital receipt. This eliminates the need for manual processing and reduces the risk of errors.

Incentivising learning

Smart contracts can be used to incentivise students to achieve academic milestones. For instance, a smart contract could be set up to release a scholarship payment when a student achieves a certain grade point average (GPA). The contract could automatically verify the student’s GPA from the blockchain-based academic records and release the funds without the need for manual intervention.

Embracing Web 3.0 in education: Best practices and challenges

Promoting digital and blockchain literacy

Educators and students need to understand how Web 3.0 technologies work. Think of it as learning to navigate the new city efficiently. This involves understanding blockchain, smart contracts, and the principles of decentralisation. Schools and universities should integrate digital literacy programs that cover these topics, ensuring that all participants are well-equipped to leverage Web 3.0 technologies.

Blending traditional and modern approaches

A hybrid learning environment that combines the best of traditional methods with Web 3.0 technologies can provide a balanced educational experience. Imagine using traditional textbooks alongside interactive digital resources, ensuring a comprehensive learning approach. Educators should be encouraged to experiment with these technologies and find the best ways to integrate them into their teaching methods.

Overcoming the digital divide

Web 3.0 offers incredible benefits, but there’s a risk of widening the digital divide. Ensuring that all students, regardless of their socioeconomic background, have access to Web 3.0 technologies is crucial. This might involve providing affordable internet access, digital devices, and literacy programs to underprivileged communities.

Real-world examples of Web 3.0 in education

Educational pioneers

Several institutions are already embracing Web 3.0. For instance, some universities are issuing digital diplomas on the blockchain, ensuring their authenticity and making them easy to verify. These initiatives provide practical insights and inspiration for others.

Innovative projects

Projects like decentralised learning platforms are paving the way for Web 3.0 in education. These platforms allow for peer-to-peer learning, where students can teach and learn from each other without intermediaries, fostering a truly collaborative learning environment.

Lessons from the frontline

Educators who have adopted Web 3.0 technologies share valuable lessons. They highlight the importance of starting small, focusing on specific applications, and gradually expanding the use of these technologies as confidence and understanding grow.

Embracing the future of education with Web 3.0

Web 3.0 holds immense promise for transforming education. By embracing its principles of decentralisation, privacy, and user control, we can create a more personalised, secure, and engaging learning environment. As educators and students, the journey towards a Web 3.0 future requires openness to innovation, continuous learning, and a commitment to inclusivity and equity. Together, we can navigate this new digital age and shape the future of education.